Migration guide#

This guide provides information on new features, breaking changes, how to migrate from one version of the actions to another, and other upstream dependencies that have been updated.

Version v8.2#

New Features:

  • Added a new action named ansys/actions/hk-automerge-prs. This action allows maintainers to auto-approve and merge dependabot PRs and pre-commit.ci PRs. It is recommended to add the action at the end of the workflow, once all the stages have finished successfully. That way, in case a repository has failing stages, it is not run. This action will run in case the PR has been created by dependabot or pre-commit.ci. You can see an example of its implementation here and the associated PR/commit.

  • Added a new input parameter use-ansys-default-template to the ansys/actions/doc-changelog action. This input allows users to utilize the default template provided by the ansys/actions repository. For migration instructions, see the migration steps below.


    The default template is only available for the ansys/actions/doc-changelog action and is in the reStructuredText (rst) format.

  • Added a new input parameter fail-level to the ansys/actions/doc-style action. This input allows users to select the report level used to control check results. Default value is "error" but it can be changed to "any", "info", "warning", or "error".

  • The release-github/action.yml action has been improved with the ability to extend a Github release note with instructions on how to verify the release’s artifacts attestations with Github’s CLI tool.

    • Added a new input attest-provenance to the ansys/actions/build-library and ansys/actions/build-wheelhouse actions. Note that adding provenance attestations requires write permissions for id-token and attestation. For example:

        name: Build library
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          attestations: write
          contents: read
          id-token: write
          - name: "Build library source and wheel artifacts"
            uses: ansys/actions/build-library@v8.2
              library-name: ${{ env.PACKAGE_NAME }}
              python-version: ${{ env.MAIN_PYTHON_VERSION }}
              attest-provenance: true
    • Added two inputs to the release-github/action.yml action. The first input parameter add-artifact-attestation-notes allows users to add artifact attestation notes to the Github release notes. The second input parameter generate_release_notes allows users to deactivate the notes automatically generated by default.

  • Added a new input parameter randomize to the ansys/actions/tests-pytest action to randomize the order of the tests.

Migration Steps:

  • The default documentation includes tabs and tab items, providing a clean changelog reStructuredText (rst) file. To use this feature, add sphinx-design as a dependency in your pyproject.toml file and include sphinx_design as an extension in your conf.py file.

    doc = [

    In your conf.py file, add the following line:

    extensions = [

After updating the actions to v9, a comment is made in the PR with the changelog file, suggesting to add sphinx-design as a dependency. You can ignore that comment if you have already added the dependency.

After merging the PR, the changelog file updates with the new template, and the new release changelog is created using the new template.

Version v8#

Breaking changes:

  • Use secrets for commit and push credentials within ansys/actions/doc-changelog, ansys/actions/doc-deploy-changelog, ansys/actions/doc-deploy-dev, and ansys/actions/doc-deploy-stable.

  • The token input is required in the ansys/actions/release-github action.

Deprecated features:

  • The ansys/actions/doc-deploy-index action has been deprecated and will be removed in the next release. With the deprecation of pymeilisearch and the adoption of a static search index via the ansys-sphinx-theme, the ansys/actions/doc-deploy-index action is no longer necessary.

  • The ansys/actions/commit-style action has been renamed to ansys/actions/check-pr-title.

  • The ansys/actions/branch-name-style actions has been removed in favor of GitHub rulesets.

Migration steps:

  • Add the following required inputs to ansys/actions/doc-changelog, ansys/actions/doc-deploy-changelog, ansys/actions/doc-deploy-dev, and ansys/actions/doc-deploy-stable:

bot-user: ${{ secrets.PYANSYS_CI_BOT_USERNAME }}
bot-email: ${{ secrets.PYANSYS_CI_BOT_EMAIL }}
  • Add the permissions and token to the ansys/actions/release-github action as follows:

  name: "Release to GitHub"
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  needs: [build-library]
  if: github.event_name == 'push' && contains(github.ref, 'refs/tags')
    contents: write
    - name: "Release to GitHub"
      uses: ansys/actions/release-github@{{ version }}
        library-name: "ansys-<product>-<library>"
        token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Version v7#

New features:

  • Added an optional input to the ansys/actions/build-library action to disable library build validation on demand using the validate-build: false argument. This is useful when you want to skip the library build validation step in the action.

  • Incorporated the usage of Trusted Publisher in the ansys/actions/release-pypi-* actions. This is useful when you want to sign the package before uploading it to PyPI.

Migration steps:

Version v6#

New features:

  • Added the ansys/actions/check-vulnerabilities action to check for third-party and first-party vulnerabilities. This is useful when you want to hide the vulnerabilities from the logs, but still want to fail the action if vulnerabilities are found.

  • Avoid creating issues by default if vulnerabilities are found in the ansys/actions/check-vulnerabilities action.

  • Create a changelog fragment file for each pull request using towncrier in the ansys/actions/doc-changelog action.

  • Generate a new section in CHANGELOG.md if fragment files exist using towncrier in the ansys/actions/doc-deploy-changelog action. By default, it updates the CHANGELOG in the release branch and creates a pull request into the main branch with the updated CHANGELOG and deleted fragment files.

  • SEO improvements. These are implemented inside the doc-deploy-dev and the doc-deploy-stable. Users are not required to apply any changes to their conf.py or .github/workflows/*.yml files. Noticable changes include:

    • No more redirect from landing page to version/stable/index.html

    • Generation of robots.txt file for avoiding indexing old documentation versions

    • Generation of sitemap.xml file for quicker indexing of version/stable/ pages

    • Inclusion of canonical link tags in all HTML files for SEO purposes

  • Extend ansys/actions/doc-build to be able to run in Windows runners. To buid the documentation in a Windows runner, we install Chocolatey and Miktex.

  • Allow ansys/actions/commit-style to work with upper case in the type field of a commit. Expected types are upper cases of conventional commit types.

Breaking changes:

  • Upgrade default vale version from 2.29.6 to 3.4.1 in ansys/actions/doc-style action.

  • Vale configuration file .vale.ini and Vocab/ANSYS has to be changed.

Migration steps:

Version v5#

New features:

  • Added ansys/action/check-vulnerabilities to verify third party and first party vulnerabilities. This action uses bandit and safety to detect vulnerabilities in the code and dependencies, respectively.

  • Added ansys/actions/docker-style to detect Dockerfile style issues using hadolint.

  • Allow vale version input in ansys/actions/doc-style action. By default, 2.29.6 is used.

  • Allow using the twine --skip-existing flag in the ansys/actions/release-pypi-* actions.

  • Allow using the ansys/actions/doc-build action to build documentation using a dedicated requirements file (and consequently, no need to have a Python project to use it).

  • Allow for independent documentation releases in case of patch release when using ansys/actions/doc-deploy-stable action. This will create independent documentation versions for patch releases.

Breaking changes:

  • Upgrade actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact to version v4.

  • Upgrade actions/setup-python to version v5.

Migration steps:

  • Since artifacts are uploaded/downloaded using the new actions/*-artifact, artifact names cannot be duplicated inside the workflow. Also, versions v3 and v4 are incompatible with each other. If you are using version v3 independently inside your workflow, you need to upgrade to version v4.

  • The upgrade to actions/setup-python version v5 is not mandatory, but it is recommended to use the latest version. However, it has been seen that in Windows self-hosted runners, if a certain Python version is not already stored in the cache, the action fails. This is a known issue and the workaround is to use the previous version of the action.

Dependency changes:

  • Upgrade actions/checkout to version v4.

  • Upgrade pypa/cibuildwheel to version v2.16.2.

  • Upgrade peter-evans/create-or-update-comment to version v4.

  • Upgrade vimtor/action-zip to version v1.2.

Version v4#

Breaking changes:

  • Multi-version documentation deployment using ansys/actions/doc-deploy-stable and ansys/actions/doc-deploy-dev.

Migration steps: