.. _docs_style_vale_update: Doc-style action - migrating from Vale ``2.X`` to ``3.X`` ========================================================= When migrating ``ansys/actions/doc-style`` from ``v5`` to higher versions, the default Vale version is upgraded to ``v3``. Certain changes must be made to the repository to ensure that the ``doc-style`` action performs without issues. Additionally, it is possible to use ``ansys/actions`` older than ``v5`` while utilizing Vale ``v3`` as input for the ``doc-style`` action like below. .. code:: yaml doc-style: name: Documentation Style Check runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: PyAnsys documentation style checks uses: ansys/actions/doc-style@v5 with: token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} vale-version: "3.4.1" In any of the preceding conditions, there are two mandatory changes and one optional (depending on the repository setup) needs to implemented: 1. Update ``Vocab/ANSYS`` path In order to comply with the requirements of Vale ``v3``, it is necessary to update the vocabularies path under the ``doc/styles`` directory. Specifically, the default vocabularies path should be modified from ``Vocab/ANSYS`` to ``config/vocabularies/ANSYS``. This adjustment ensures that Vale can locate the required vocabulary files. .. note:: Update ``.gitignore`` If your repository has ``.gitignore`` files under ``styles`` folder, please update them according to vocabularies changes 2. Turn off ``Vale.Terms`` Locate the section in your ``doc/.vale.ini`` file where styles are applied. Add ``Vale.Terms = NO`` under the section where styles are applied, typically marked with ``[*.{rst}]``. .. code:: ini [*.{rst}] BasedOnStyles = Vale, Google Vale.Terms = NO 3. Update ``codespell`` hook If your repository includes a ``codespell`` hook in the ``.pre-commit-config.yaml`` file, utilizing the ``accept.txt`` file, it necessitates modification to reflect the new path as provided below. .. code:: yaml - repo: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell rev: v2.2.6 hooks: - id: codespell args: ["--ignore-words", "doc/styles/config/vocabularies/ANSYS/accept.txt"] Finally, verify that the ``doc-style`` action is functioning correctly with the latest changes applied. Run the action and ensure that the documentation style checks are performed without any issues.