Doc-changelog action setup#

The release notes for your project can either be in your documentation or the file. Follow the instructions in the update the workflow section to add the ansys/actions/doc-changelog action to your workflow, and then choose between adding the release notes in your documentation or the file.

Update the workflow#

Update the .github/workflows/label.yml file to use the changelog action.

Change the pull_request trigger at the top of the preceding .yml file so that it lists the pull request actions that cause the workflows to run:

    # opened, reopened, and synchronize are default for pull_request
    # edited - when PR title or body is changed
    # labeled - when labels are added to PR
    types: [opened, reopened, synchronize, edited, labeled]

At the end of the .github/workflows/label.yml file, add the following lines for the changelog action:

    name: "Create changelog fragment"
    needs: [labeler]
      contents: write
      pull-requests: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: ansys/actions/doc-changelog@{{ version }}
        token: ${{ secrets.PYANSYS_CI_BOT_TOKEN }}

Next, follow the instructions to create release notes in your documentation or file depending on your preference.

Include the release notes in your documentation#

  1. Create the doc/changelog.d directory and then within it add a file named changelog_template.jinja that contains the following lines:

{% if sections[""] %}
{% for category, val in definitions.items() if category in sections[""] %}

{{ definitions[category]['name'] }}
{% set underline = '^' * definitions[category]['name']|length %}
{{ underline }}

{% for text, values in sections[""][category].items() %}
- {{ text }} {{ values|join(', ') }}
{% endfor %}

{% endfor %}
{% else %}
No significant changes.

{% endif %}
  1. Create a new file named changelog.rst in the doc/source directory. Add the following lines to the file:

.. _ref_release_notes:

Release notes

This document contains the release notes for the project.

.. vale off

.. towncrier release notes start

.. vale on


If your project previously used to record the release notes, change the description under “Release notes,” replacing {org-name} and {repo-name} with the name of the organization and repository respectively, and {latest-version} with the most recent version in your file:

This document contains the release notes for the project. See release notes for v{latest-version} and earlier
in ` <{org-name}/{repo-name}/blob/main/>`_.
  1. Add changelog to the toctree list in the doc/source/index.rst file. changelog is placed last in the toctree list, so the “Release notes” tab is last in the documentation.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 3

   <other files>
  1. Add the following lines to the doc/source/ file, replacing {org-name} and {repo-name} with the name of the organization and repository respectively:

# If we are on a release, we have to ignore the "release" URLs, since it is not
# available until the release is published.
if switcher_version != "dev":


This assumes the following code already exists in the doc/source/ file:

from ansys_sphinx_theme import get_version_match
from ansys.<product>.<library> import __version__

release = version = __version__
switcher_version = get_version_match(version)

5. Add the following lines to the pyproject.toml file, replacing {org-name} and {repo-name} with the name of the organization and repository respectively. Also, replace ansys.<product>.<library> with the name under tool.flit.module. For example, ansys.geometry.core.

package = "ansys.<product>.<library>"
directory = "doc/changelog.d"
filename = "doc/source/changelog.rst"
start_string = ".. towncrier release notes start\n"
template = "doc/changelog.d/changelog_template.jinja"
title_format = "`{version} <{org-name}/{repo-name}/releases/tag/v{version}>`_ - {project_date}"
issue_format = "`#{issue} <{org-name}/{repo-name}/pull/{issue}>`_"

directory = "added"
name = "Added"
showcontent = true

directory = "changed"
name = "Changed"
showcontent = true

directory = "fixed"
name = "Fixed"
showcontent = true

directory = "dependencies"
name = "Dependencies"
showcontent = true

directory = "miscellaneous"
name = "Miscellaneous"
showcontent = true


If empty, the previous file can be removed from the repository, as the changelog is now part of the documentation.

However, if the file is kept, it can be adapted to include the link to the documentation changelog.

For example, the file could look like this:

This project uses [towncrier]( Changes for the upcoming release can be found in

Reference pull requests for the changes can be found in the PyAnsys Geometry and PyMechanical repositories. The PyAnsys Geometry pull request includes some other changes, but the changelog implementation is the same as described in this document.

Include the release notes in

  1. Create the doc/changelog.d directory and then within it add a file named changelog_template.jinja that contains the following lines:

{% if sections[""] %}
{% for category, val in definitions.items() if category in sections[""] %}

### {{ definitions[category]['name'] }}

{% for text, values in sections[""][category].items() %}
- {{ text }} {{ values|join(', ') }}
{% endfor %}

{% endfor %}
{% else %}
No significant changes.

{% endif %}
  1. Add the following lines to the file, replacing {org-name} and {repo-name} with the name of the organization and repository respectively:

This project uses [towncrier]( and the changes for the upcoming release can be found in <{org-name}/{repo-name}/tree/main/doc/changelog.d/>.

<!-- towncrier release notes start -->


If the file already has sections for previous releases, make sure to put the "towncrier release notes start" comment before the release sections. For example:

<!-- towncrier release notes start -->

## [0.10.7]( - February 13 2024

3. Add the following lines to the pyproject.toml file, replacing {repo-name} with the name of the repository. Also, replace ansys.<product>.<library> with the name under tool.flit.module. For example, ansys.geometry.core.

package = "ansys.<product>.<library>"
directory = "doc/changelog.d"
filename = ""
start_string = "<!-- towncrier release notes start -->\n"
underlines = ["", "", ""]
template = "doc/changelog.d/changelog_template.jinja"
title_format = "## [{version}]({repo-name}/releases/tag/v{version}) - {project_date}"
issue_format = "[#{issue}]({repo-name}/pull/{issue})"

directory = "added"
name = "Added"
showcontent = true

directory = "dependencies"
name = "Dependencies"
showcontent = true

directory = "documentation"
name = "Documentation"
showcontent = true

directory = "fixed"
name = "Fixed"
showcontent = true

directory = "maintenance"
name = "Maintenance"
showcontent = true

directory = "miscellaneous"
name = "Miscellaneous"
showcontent = true

directory = "test"
name = "Test"
showcontent = true

A reference pull request for these changes can be found in the PyAnsys Geometry #1023 pull request.

towncrier commands#

These commands are helpful for creating changelog fragment files manually, as well as building your file with the fragments in the doc/changelog.d directory.

Create a changelog file manually:

towncrier create -c "Added a feature"


“Added a feature” adds the content of the file named The number one in the “” file is the pull request number, and “added” is a subsection under the released version. For example, would look like this if the preceding MD file only existed in the changelog.d directory:

## [version]({repo-name}/releases/tag/v{version})

### Added

- Added a feature [#1]({repo-name}/pull/1)

When you are ready to do a release for your repository, set up the ansys/actions/doc-deploy-changelog action to automate the process of generating the changelog. If you want to do it manually, run the following command to update the file with the files in the changelog.d directory, replacing {version} with your release number. For example, 0.10.8. Do not include “v” in the version:

towncrier build --yes --version {version}

If you want to update the file but keep the files in the changelog.d directory, run this command:

towncrier build --keep --version {version}

If you only want to preview the changelog and not make changes to the file, run the following command:

towncrier build --keep --draft --version {version}